Koershoudgedrag bij geprofileerde wegmarkeringen : video-observaties in de nulsituatie op de A28. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Horst, A.R.A. van der & Bakker, P.J.

In this report the results are presented of behavioural observations in the before period at one location (the A28 motorway, slight left curvature) with a dry and wet road surface, both in daytime and nighttime conditions. The number, rate, and duration of edgeline crossings were analysed from video. At a measuring section of 250 m in a slight left curvature, about 7% of all trucks and 0.3% of all passenger cars drive on or cross the right side marking. The relative number of crossings is over 40% lower than on a straight road section of another motorway location. Trucks account for about 85% of all these crossings. Two-third of all 255 observed edgeline crossings consists of only driving on the line. During nighttime driving on the line. During nighttime the edgeline is far less exceeded than during daytime. In wet road surface conditions, the average duration of crossings is longer than on a dry road surface, namely 6.3 versus 4.2 s. See also C 8165 (IRRD 890425).

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Library number
C 8164 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 890424

Soesterberg, TNO Technische Menskunde TM, 1995, 22 p., 9 ref.; Rapport TNO-TM 1995 C-37

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