Le code de bonne pratique de l'inspection technique automobile.

Verlinden, Y.

When a vehicle is submitted to periodical inspection, Belgian regulations prescribe that the technical condition of all parts in relation with safety should be checked. Failures to comply with regulations as well as technical defects are notified by single or double perforation against the relevant item mentioned on the inspection certificate. The single perforation just means a condition that needs watching whilst double perforation means a dangerous condition with consequent interdiction of the vehicle or a limited validity given to the certificate. Although the regulations issued by the Ministry of Communications seem to be both clear and definite, experience has shown that a uniform application of the rules did not result, notwithstanding the training and knowledge of the personnel. To avoid the ill consequences of occasionally inevitable subjectivity on the part of inspectors, the Belgian authorities have drawn up a code of good practice and set up a training and improvement centre for inspection personnel. This code of good practice is printed in three columns. In the first column are mentioned the items to be checked. In the third column are mentioned a certain number of defects or failures to comply. In the central column appears the decision to be taken when a defect is discovered for the first time and the penalty if the same defect is still there at the next inspection. In conclusion, although this code, applied since one year only, can be bettered, there was immediate unanimity as to its usefullness, even indispensability. It has already resulted in a considerable reduction of the differences between stations as to the percentage of "re-inspections". In addition to a better technicity of motor vehicle inspection, it gives the motorist a guarantee of fairness. (A)

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981611 d ST (In : ST 981611)

In: Inspection technique, 1963, Aspects techniques de la sécurité routière, numero spécial Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. No. 15, 11 p.

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