Les conducteurs européens et la sécurité routière : études approfondies de leurs attitudes et comportements dans quinze pays. Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk in Europe SARTRE.


This document presents some more detailed and in-depth analyses of the data from the SARTRE survey on the attitudes to road safety and related behaviour of European drivers (see IRRD 882537). The whole network of relationships between the answers to the questions has been examined, to reveal the most significant tendencies, according to which it is possible to identify similarities or differences between drivers from different countries, and between various categories, opinions, or behavioural indices. Different and opposing opinions are analysed between drivers of different countries, and regarding countermeasures; opposing forms of self-reported behaviour, such as risk taking, are noted. Elements of similarity were found in reactions to traffic regulations and in road practice. Both oppositions and similarities were found with respect to: seat belts, speed limits, and drink and driving. The influence of age and gender on social concern, risk awareness, and attitudes to risk was analysed in relation to country. The report's authors make various proposals, based on the results of the analyses, which could be considered during the preparation of remedial and safety measures. It was found that new questions emerged from the answers.

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Library number
C 22276 (for the English version see: C 11013)

Caen, Paradigme, 1996, 300 p., 79 ref.; Collection Transports et Communication ; No. 53 - ISSN 0760-9922 / ISBN 2-86878-167-5

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.