Lichtmasten : onderzoek naar het gedrag van lichtmasten bij zijdelingse en frontale botsproeven met personenauto's.

Schoon, C.C. & Edelman, A.

Lighting columns can be made safer by providing them with a sliding construction. This construction makes it possible for the column to slide from its ground construction in the case of an accident. Aluminium lighting columns can be constructed in such a way that they break off when a car collides with them. These conclusions are drawn from impact tests, during which front and side collisions take place. If this construction is applied to lighting columns there is no need for a guardrail. A description of the impact tests, test criteria and test results is also presented.


Library number
B 11952 [electronic version only] /82 / IRRD 226903

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1977, 62 p., 17 ref.; Publicatie 1976 - 6N

SWOV publication

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