Long term effect of a safety campaign on children's placing in private cars.

Johansen, H.J.

A rather limited or short campaign for placing children on the backseat in private cars had a measurable positive effect at least over one year. Remarks on this campaign are given on the campaign subject and the target groups, the means of communication and the effect of communication. The cost benefit of this special campaign as it can be statistically estimated, is that the observed effect should in the course of one year show a reduction in the number of injured children in private cars from about 100 to about 70. See also IRRD abstract no 208624.

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Library number
B 21389 (In: B 2628) [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 208631

In: Efficiency and effectiveness of road safety campaigns : proceedings of an International Congress, The Hague, October 19-20, 1972, p. 41-43

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