The Marshall Committee's recommendations for standards of highway maintenance and for a maintenance rating system.

Ministry of Transport and Local Authorities Committee on Highway Maintenance; Marshall, A.H. (chairman)

This report contains in full the recommendations for standards of highway maintenance and for a maintenance rating system made by the Ministry of Transport and Local Authorities Committee on Highway Maintenance (Chairman - Dr. A.H. Marshall). The Standards of maintenance recommended are subjective standards, based partly upon the results of research by the laboratory and partly from a detailed examination of current practice. It is intended that the standards shall be refined as more objective information is obtained on the costs of maintaining roads to different standards and the associated benefits. These initial standards are proposed as desirable levels within the limits of present techniques, materials and available finance. The maintenance rating system, based upon the suggested maintenance standards, is a method whereby the results of inspections can be recorded in a uniform, numerical manner and processed so as to give priorities for carrying out the work indicated as necessary by the inspections. Priorities are given between different maintenance functions and between different lengths of road, irrespective of their classification. The system suggested however, needs further research to make it fully capable of giving the priorities between different lengths of road. (Author/publisher)


Library number
761069 ST [electronic version only]

Crowthorne, Road Research Laboratory RRL, 1970, 41 p., 5 ref.; RRL Laboratory Report ; LR 367

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