Measurement of factors affecting screening efficiency.

Hosking, J.R.

This paper describes methods for measuring, under working conditions, the charcteristics of commercial screening plant. These methods have been developed by the Road Research Laboratory as part of a programme of research into the problems arising in the production of roadmaking aggregates to meet British Standars specifications. Earlier papers give a description of investigations made under labortory conditions to develop a formual for expressing the efficiency of spparation of a sdcreen and to study the factors affeting this efficiency. The methods described include the measurement of the efficiencies of separation of each of the screens of a commercial plant from the grading and output of the screened cgippings, of amplityde and frequency of vibrtion by means of a stoboscope, of angle of slope by means of a clinometer and of aperture size by means of specially designed taper gauges. The paper also describes how the information can be of direct use to the quarry operator.

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The Quarry Managers Journal April 1965.

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