Measures to control traffic for the benefit of residents, pedestrians and cyclists.


Most of the published advice on the design of residential areas has been concentrated on new developments. Similar principles can be applied to existing areas but the scope for implementation is usually much less. This leaflet concentrates on a range of traffic control measures that are available to local authorities for implementation either alongside major refurbishment of housing stock or independently. In the right circumstances they can offer safety gains to vulnerable road users and environmental gains to residents. They can be particularly useful in developing safe routes to school and shops and in reducing traffic volume and speeds in sensitive areas. Care should be taken to safeguard the interests of local business so far as is possible. Complementary measures will generally be required on through routes to handle traffic displaced from residential roads. (A)

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Library number
C 13971 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 803264

London, Department of Transport, Traffic Advisory Unit, 1987, 4 p.; Traffic Advisory Leaflet ; 1/87

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