MeBeSafe MEasures for BEhaving SAFEly in traffic. Deliverable D3.2: Report infrastructure measures.

Köhler, A.-L. Aslan, A. Berghaus, M. Fahrenkrog, F. Fazekas, F. Klatt, M. Ladwig, S. Mierlo, M. van & Plum, L. Schnelle, M. & Waal, V. de

Excessive speeding and an unsafe trajectory are seen as some of the key factors contributing to fatal crashes. Since MeBeSafe aims to prevent traffic accidents, both factors are addressed within the MeBeSafe project. The aim is to design nudging measures that gently nudge drivers to a safer driving behaviour in terms of a safe, reduced driving speed and an appropriate trajectory. This report provides detailed insights on state of the art for technology, the process from researching relevant literature, over the results of focus groups on useful measures, to the testing of the most promising nudging measures in driving simulator experiments and the evaluation of these nudging measures, as well as implications for further research. The chosen approach for the nudging measures targeting driving speed are based on the concept of optic flow and function by the illusion of driving faster than the actual driving speed. This is achieved by lights, moving towards the driver and thus altering the optic flow. Promising results were revealed in both quantitative and qualitive results of the simulator studies. Participant's driving behaviour was influenced by the lights by showing earlier braking in the condition with the lights moving against the driver. A second simulator study revealed that the lights interventions have an effect on drivers' attention on the road and don't influence driver's workload negatively. The simulator study on the trajectory nudge is not conducted yet, however the report provides insights into the details of the planned simulator study. The Monte Carlo Simulation gives first estimations for different scenarios based on the available data base, and results revealed that especially those drivers who are driving riskily should be nudged. The resarch conducted within WP3 provides important information for the field test in Eindhoven (WP5) that will evaluate the efficiency of the nudging measure in a real life situation. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20200402 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels], European Union, 2019, 192 p., ref.; Horizon Research and Innovation Programme

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