Menselijk verkeer.

Giskes, J. & Vahl, H.G.

Over the last years much has been said and written about new approaches in handing traffic problems. Instead of on flows and capacities more emphasis is being put on the aspects of road safety and the quality of the environment, especially for non-motorized traffic. The authors state that in most cases new and trendy inventions like the "woonerf", cannot be implemented where they are most necessary because of shortage of space and/or money. It therefore is inevitable to apply other means, like reducing speeds to 25-30 km/h, narrowing streets, etc. The authors work in Lelystad where they have put some of their ideas into everyday's practice. They think it essential that plans and implementation is as flexible as possible.

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Library number
B 16715 T /21/72/ IRRD 248574

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 31 (1980), No. 5 (mei), p. 244-249, fig., ref.

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