Methodiek ter bepaling van het kwaliteitsniveau van het openbaar busvervoer.

Kwakernaak, M. & Eddes, W.

The model, described in this paper is aimed at determining simply, at the design stage, the influence of town-planning and traffic-planning design on the quality level of a bus service.For that purpose in the first instance six levels of quality are defined.Three of these levels ere related to separated busroads and three to buses in the midst the other traffic. Then a scale is developed to determine the influence of designfactors like curvature, distance between stops, on the quality level.In this way it is easy to examine how the service speed is influenced when the requisite design criteria are not reached.

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Library number
B 22533 (In: B 22511) [electronic version only] /72/ IRRD 272701

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 19-20 april 1983, p. 275-290, 2 fig., 4 graph., 3 tab.

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