Methods to reduce traffic speed in high pedestrian areas.

Kamyab, A. Andrle, S. & Kroeger, D.

This research project evaluated the effectiveness of speed reduction techniques in high pedestrian areas and provided traffic speed data to facilitate the validation of a traffic calming study at the University of Minnesota’s Human Factors Research Laboratory. Researchers collected speed data at four selected study sites under existing conditions and at two sites, in Twin Lakes and Bemidji Lake, both under existing conditions and after the installation of proposed speed reduction strategies. The strategies at the Twin Lakes site consisted of removable pedestrian islands and pedestrian crossing signs. At Bemidji Lake, a dynamic variable message sign was installed. The research study shows that the traffic calming strategy at Twin Lakes effectively reduced the mean speed and improved speed limit compliance in both the short and long term. Despite proven effectiveness, the deployed speed reduction treatment in Bemidji Lake failed to lower the speed at the study site. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 34427 [electronic version only]

St Paul, MN, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2002, 136 p., 25 ref.; MN/RC 2002-18

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