The Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model MIXIC 1.2. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Transport Research Centre AVV.

Arem, B. van Hogema, J.H. & Verheul, C.H.

The TNO project Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) is aiming at the development of an instrument for the assessment of the impacts of modern telematic technologies in traffic. By means of computer simulation, the consequences for safety, exhaust-gas emission, noise emission, and traffic performance will be weighed in an integrated manner. This instrument should ultimately be suitable for a wide range of Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) applications. The general framework envisages a structure with both a microscopic and a macroscopic simulation model. Both models are linked in such a matter that processes can be modelled on a individual driver and vehicle level, but also that an efficient assessment can be provided on a network level. This document describes the MICroscopic model for Simulation if Intelligent Cruise control 1.2.(MIXIC 1.2.).

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Library number
C 42419 [electronic version only] /71 /73 /

Delft, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO, INRO Centre for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Traffic and Transportation Unit, 1995, VI + 85 p., 45 ref.; TNO Institute for Policy Studies ; Report INRO-VVG 1995-17b / 95/NV/277 (second version)

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