Milan on the move.

Moro, R.

This article describes the operation of a traffic congestion management system in the city of Milan, Italy. Phased implementation of intelligent transport systems (ITS) technology started in 1990 from a model of urban traffic control, with intersection controllers being centralised. Traffic data outstations feed information on traffic conditions to a computer centre for processing. Other controlling measures include right-of-way validation for certain types of vehicle, using electronic credentials. This in turn can be employed in enforcing traffic law. The ITS concept centres on a shared working style between the different operators, which enables better medium- and long-term planning. A traffic control centre is being developed, based on the model of several co-operative activities, with the aim of preventing congestion and traffic disruption. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118381.

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Library number
C 26002 (In: C 26000) /10 /73 / ITRD E118383

In: Traffic technology international 2003 : the 2003 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 18-20

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