Minder verkeershinder ? : informatie helpt !

Werkgroep `Gebruikersvriendelijk Ontwerp en Onderhoud'; Stembord, H.L. (voorz.)

This publication discusses the results of the "User friendly design and maintenance" working group of the Netherlands Centre for Research and Contract Standardisation in Civil and Traffic Engineering (CROW). In six successive steps a scenario is presented for setting up and carrying out an information campaign to inform road users about nuisance due to road maintenance and reconstruction activities. Good information supplied to the road users about the nuisance to be expected can contribute to a change of the driver behaviour and so to less nuisance on the road section in question. The six steps are: 1) assessment of the desired driver behaviour; 2) assessment of the target groups and the target area; 3) assessment of the message; 4) selection of the media to be used and the expression of the message; 5) setting up the action plan for the information campaign; and 6) carrying out the action plan and assessing the effects.

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Library number
C 18938 [electronic version only] /61 / IRRD 871428

Ede, Stichting Centrum voor Regelgeving en Onderzoek in de Grond-, Water- en Wegenbouw en de Verkeerstechniek C.R.O.W, 1992, 38 p.; Publikatie ; No. 58 - ISBN 90-6628-050-6

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.