Minimum cost paths when the cost per unit length depends on location and direction.

Wardrop, J.G.

This paper considers the problem of finding paths of minimum cost in an area in which the cost per unit length depends in a known way on the location and on the direction of movement. The case where the polar diagram changes at a boundary is considered, and the method of continuing isocost curves and, where appropriate, minimum cost paths beyond the boundary is indicated.

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Library number
B 11520 (In: B 11501) /71/ IRRD 206929

In: Traffic flow and transportation : proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on the Theory of Traffic flow and Transportation, Berkeley, California, June 16-18, 1971, New York, NY, American Elsevier, 1972, p. 429-437, 8 fig., 3 ref.

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