Mobiliteit en verkeersveiligheid : schets van het vervolg.

Poppe, F.

This report summarizes the major conclusions from a number of recent research projects in the mobility and traffic safety field. The report describes: (1) analyses into the different methods for developing prognoses of traffic risks, (2) applications where traffic risks are brought together, or (3) are used together with mobility prognoses. 'Mobility' is used here in a general way to denote measures such as vehicle mileage. The report also describes how these data can be used in the preparation or implementation of traffic and traffic safety policies. This results in a number of problem areas and possibilities for solutions. The themes are: (i) the scale of the prognoses (national or regional); (ii) the time scale of the prognoses; and (iii) the level of detail of the prognoses. The following subjects are addressed: a) the risk model. This model is already available, but will have to make possible a split into different regions; b) the data. The 'road type' variable is a particular problem, since both accident and mobility data cannot be split on this variable; and c) underlying factors. The number of casualties is the final outcome of a process on different levels such as: population size, economic conditions, weather conditions, transport availability, etcetera.


Library number
C 2841 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 866224

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 20 p., 7 ref.; R-94-14

SWOV publication

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