Mobiliteit met toekomst : naar een vraaggericht technologiebeleid.

Elzen, N. Hoogma, R. & Schot, J.W.

The Dutch government wants to play a leading role in the improvement of new technologies for traffic and transport, and in particular personal transport. An inventory is made of all new kinds of transport modes, the use of alternative fuels, developments in vehicle technology, and the control of mobility. Thereafter, the identification of promising ideas for further development is considered, and recommendations are presented. Attention is also paid to the human behaviour.

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Library number
C 8160 /70 /91 /96 / IRRD 890420

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, afdeling Leefbaarheid, Kenniscentrum Milieu & Technologie, 1996, 200 p., 223 ref. - ISBN 90-36936-02-0

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