Mobility and transport for elderly and handicapped persons. Proceedings of a Conference held at Churchill College, Cambridge, England, 14- 16 July 1981 under the auspices of Loughborough University of Technology, Florida State University and the Inte...

Ashford, N. Bell, W.G. & Rich, T.A. (Editors).

Papers presented at a conference on mobility and transport for elderly and handicapped persons held in Cambridge, England, 14- 16 July 1981 are given. They deal with improving the mobility of those groups in society increasingly characterized as the transportation disadvantaged, particularly, but not exclusively, the elderly, the disabled and families with law income.

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B 28205 /72 /91 /95 / IRRD 275904 - 275906

New York, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., 1982, VI + 383 p., 154 ref. Transportation Studies, Volume 2.

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