Mobility information management system for rural transportation : a case study in northwest Alabama.

Anderson, M.D.

This article presents the development of a Mobility Information Management System (MIMS) within a regional area. The system is designed to provide residents access to important trip information, which can assist them in making informed transportation choices. The final design of the system, demonstrated using a case study of a region in northwest Alabama, includes survey data collected from transportation providers; a database system to maintain, a query, and update information; and an Internet-based system for the public to learn about services provided. The system, after inclusion of all transportation service data, provides a convenient mechanism to educate the public on transportation services and allows transportation service agencies to better understand the services offered in the region and assist passengers in meeting their transportation needs.

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Library number
I E826819 /72 / IRRD E826819

Journal of Public Transportation. 2003. 6(2) pp1-17 (10 Fig., Refs.)

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