Modellen referentiekader ambulancezorg

Ontwikkeling van modellen voor spreiding en capaciteit
Kommer, G.J.; Zwakhals, S.L.N.

The distribution and capacity of ambulance care in the Netherlands is calculated using a so-called reference framework. This framework is based on models that calculate how many ambulances should be available at a certain location. Analysis by RIVM has shown that these models do not fully suit the daily practice of ambulance care. Among others, it seems that more ambulances are employed than has been calculated by the reference framework. The reverse is the case during weekend and night shifts.
The cause of these differences is partly technical, and has to do with some assumptions within the models. It is recommended that these parts of the models are improved to better correspond with the daily practice. Also, it is important that the models are adapted to societal developments that influence the supply and demand of ambulances. The demand for ambulances for non-lifethreatening first aid on location has strongly increased in the last couple of years, because of the growing awareness of the emergency number 112. Also, because of the rise of mobile phones, it has become easier to call the emergency number on location.
For this analysis, multiple variants of the distribution and capacity model in scientific literature have been formulated for the Dutch situation. In the driving times model, the third model in the reference framework, new data on driving times has been collected in order to estimate the speeds of ambulances. The new speeds appear to be higher than speeds in the current model, which would mean that according to the calculations, the coverage of ambulance care in the Netherlands is greater than previously estimated.
Based on the results of this research, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport will select the models to be used in the current actualisation of the reference framework.

Report number
RIVM-rapport 270412002/2013
Library number
20220254 ST [electronic version only]
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM, Bilthoven

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