Mogelijke veiligheidseffecten van navigatiesystemen : een literatuurstudie en enkele eenvoudige berekeningen.

Oei, H.-l.

Navigation systems are `in-car' route information systems that advise the driver which route to take to a given destination. For a few years now, navigation systems for cars can be bought. It is expected that, during the coming years, their use will increase considerably. This study handles the possible positive and negative safety effects of navigation systems, and also the safety demands that can be made for these systems. The purpose of this study was to make a first estimate. The next step will be field research among drivers. The study consists of a literature study and a number of simple calculations of the economic effects.


Library number
C 19518 [electronic version only] /91 /

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2001, 30 p., 21 ref.; D-2001-17

SWOV publication

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