Monitoring head injured patients following motor vehicular accidents.

Fresh, C.B. Patton, J.M. Jolley, F.L. & Tindall, G.T.

The rational for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP) and neurologic parameters in severe head injury patients is discussed. A new technique for ICP monitoring is described. A series of ten patients sustaining head injuries in motor vehicular accidents in which this technique was used is presented. The relationship between intracranial pressure, survival and the quality of survival is examined.

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Library number
B 17814 (In: B 8301 [electronic version only]) /84/

In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine (AAAM), San Diego, CA, November 20-22, 1975, p. 179-188, fig., graph., tab., ref.

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