Moteurs diesel pour transports routiers, récent progrès dans leur réalisation = High road diesel engines recent improvements in their realization = Dieselmotoren für den Strassentransport neue Fortschritte zu ihrer Verwirklichung. Paper presented at ...

Freyssinet, P.C.

A description is given of the fields in which the high road diesel engines progress the most rapidly. Best control of the valves movement, especially in over speed-of the swirl in the cylinder-of the fuel introduction-and the heat transfer. Best evaluation of reliability of the prototype engines. Then a description is given of the Berliet diesel engines data, in course of development.

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Library number
A 5343 (In: A 5342 I) IRRD 53485

In: Proceedings from the 13th FISITA congress, 1970, p. 15.1.B.

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