MOVE : cooperative transport management, Hanover.

Thomas, J.

The author calls for integrated transport strategies to combat rising traffic levels and describes measures being taken to achieve this in Hanover with particular reference to Volkswagen's involvement. The objectives of the 'move' project are outlined and services planned to reach these objectives discussed. These include a) general road traffic information, b) parking management, c) park and ride management, d) route guidance, f) complementary local transit services, g) urban commercial traffic, h) authorised access and i) trip planning and reservations. In the area of complementary local transit services, Volkswagen aim to provide a variety of services with minibuses. For urban commercial traffic they are developing smaller delivery vehicles. Hybrid and electric vehicles also being developed by volkswagen for use in an integrated system are briefly discussed.

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Library number
C 20697 (In: C 20695) /72 / IRRD 866029

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 20-27, 8 ref.

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