Multi-kriteria interview methoden in de ruimtelijke planning.

Kolfoort, F. & Nijkamp, P.

This paper focuses on the use of multi- criteria interview methods in physical planning. Two different types of interview methods are developed, on the basis of which decision- makers may specify their preferences with regard to a series of elements of a decision problem. The first method is a qualitative analysis in which rank orders of preferences are to be specified with regard to decision criteria, while the second method rests upon a pair-wise comparison of project effects.

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Library number
B 12375 (In: B 12355 [electronic version only]) /10/ IRRD 229722

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1977 : veranderingen in en om vervoersplanologisch onderzoek : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 17 en 18 februari 1977, p. 557-594, 1 fig., 25 tab., 25 ref.

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