Multilevel modelling and time series analysis in traffic safety research : manual. SafetyNet, Building the European Road Safety Observatory, Workpackage 7, Deliverable 7.5.

Angermann, A. Antoniou, C. Bergel, R. Berends, E. Bijleveld, F. Brandstätter, C. Cherfi, M. Blois, C. de Dupont, E. Gatscha, M. Martensen, H. Papadimitriou, E. & Yannis, G.

This deliverable contains the manual to support the methodology report in D7.4, where the theoretical background for multilevel and time series analyses is given. For each technique described in the methodology report, this manual presents the instructions to fit the models on the basis of user friendly software, as well as guidelines for interpreting the results. The aim of the manual is to enable the reader to conduct all analyses described in the methodology and this way to get hands on experience in the analysis of road safety data. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20070752 ST [electronic version only]

[S.l.], European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) / Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport, 2007, 270 p., ref.; Contract Number TREN-04-FP6TR-S12.395465/506723

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