Naar duurzaam veilig verkeer : gemeentelijk verkeersveiligheidsbeleid in de raadsperiode 2002-2006.


This brochure is meant for municipality aldermen and councillors of road safety policy. The brochure is also recommended for municipality aldermen and councillors in adjacent policy fields. The brochure provides information on the state of affairs towards the realisation of sustainably safe traffic in the Netherlands, and how municipality aldermen and councillors can contribute to this in the period 2002-2006.

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Library number
C 23419 [electronic version only]

's-Gravenhage, Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten VNG, 2002, 24 p., 6 ref.

Our collection

This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.