National Cycling Strategy : first year report, 1997.


The National Cycling Strategy (NCS) was launched in July 1996. It aims to establish a culture favourable to the increased use of bicycles for all age groups; develop sound policies and good practice; and seek out innovative and effective means of fostering accessibility by bike. A National Cycling Forum has been established to oversee the implementation of the NCS, and seven working groups have been set up covering: key strategic outputs; cycle security; marketing; intermodality; HGV's and cyclists; cycling and road safety; and best practice. This DETR leaflet also includes brief details about cycling related projects in the DETR research programme, taken from the 1997/98 DETR Urban and Local Transport Compendium, of Research Projects.

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London, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Driver Information & Traffic Management Division DITM, 1997, 8 p., 15 ref.

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