New developments in retrospective data bases of serious car crashes and car collisions with pedestrians and motorcyclists. The research activities of the German insurers (GDV).

Anselm, D. Langwieder, K. & Sporner, A.

The German Insurance Association (GDV) has continued and completed the accident research program "Vehicle Safety 90". Based on a data base of 15,000 car-to-car crashes, about 1,000 car crashes with serious injuries (MAIS3+) have been analyzed in depth. The results are presented, especially analysis regarding collision types and injury criteria. On the basis of a comprehensive injury description, using AIS, ISS and Scales showing long term disability, social economic cost factors are outlined which show the requirements of further injury reduction strategies. Parallel to the research program "Vehicle Safety 90 - VS90" two other data bases have been completed. Accident material of 600 motorcycle-to-car crashes shows both the accident circumstances as well as the crash characteristics and the injury pattern of motorcyclists. A representative data base of 1,200 car-to-pedestrian accidents will be finished by mid 1998. The collision types and crash/injury characteristics are the focal areas of this research program. These data bases are described in their structure and the accident parameters covered, the focal results concerning collision types, crash and injury data are outlined, which form the basis for continued analysis within GDV research. Finally, proposals for data bases of the next research period "Vehicle Safety 2000" will be made which should assist a continued and intensified international cooperation. (A)


Library number
C 16928 (In: C 16878 [electronic version only]) /91 / ITRD E104115

In: Proceedings of the sixteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 31 to June 4, 1998, Volume 3, p. 2237-2246, 15 ref.

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