A new innovation system for implementation of research result in road design.

Eriksson, A.A. & Huvstig, A.

Since 1998, Sweden has been conducting a strategy, a new and unique innovation system, for developing the road design and the implementation of new knowledge and technique. Today a new model for calculation of stress and strain is ready. It can do calculations for asphalt pavement with viscous elasticity and unbound material with non-linear elasticity. This model is supplemented by calculation modules for permanent deformations in bituminous bound layers and in unbound layers, with help from the theories behind the new AASHTO Design Guide, the SAMARIS project and recent research results in Holland, France and Germany. Implementing this model has involved four years of continuous training of new road designers in Western Sweden, with participation of consultants and contractors. One part of the implementation is also to work with the win - win concept on working sites. During 2005/06 five different projects are going to be chosen to demonstrate the new model. Road quality is to be improved by Active Design on the site. Unbound material is to be tested by triaxial tests, and there are to be calculations of future permanent deformations. These results are to be used in deciding pavement thicknesses for different parts of the road. Road pavement optimization in this way will save a lot of money. A better design method and relating test methods should also make it possible to avoid most of the problems of early failures of roads. These projects will also serve as an education of contractors and consultants. A new win - win concept has been developed in Western Sweden. It is also important to work with this concept on these projects in order to create a good co-operation between client and contractor (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E212343.

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C 47525 (In: C 47458 CD-ROM) /10 /22 / ITRD E216759

In: Greener, safer and smarter road transport for Europe : proceedings of TRA - Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Göteborg, Sweden, June 12th-15th 2006, 8 p., 3 ref.

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