A new look at the traffic assignment problem.

Jeevanantham, I.

Traffic assignment models in use presently assume that the cost of using a link in a network is the same to all users of the link. There is no doubt that this assumption does not correctly describe the actual situation. For example the value of time and the operating cost of the vehicle are not the same to all the users. The existence of traffic assignments when the above assumption is not made is examined for some very simple networks. It is shown that stable traffic assignments exist and that these assignments are quite different from the assignments obtained with the present models.

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Library number
B 11507 (In: B 11501) /71/ IRRD 206947

In: Traffic flow and transportation : proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on the Theory of Traffic flow and Transportation, Berkeley, California, June 16-18, 1971, New York, NY, American Elsevier, 1972, p. 131-153, 14 graph., 2 ref.

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