The next steps.

Michon, J.A.

This chapter presents the overall achievements of the GIDS Project and describes further steps in the development of GIDS. A retrospective evaluation of the main GIDS objectives is first provided. The further evolution of GIDS into a full-fledged RTI system is then discussed. One concern is the place of GIDS and other GIDS-like support systems within the future of road traffic and RTI. Another issue is concerned with the insight gained as a result of the GIDS Project into the architecture of human and artificial intelligence, and into the special cognitive requirements of human-computer systems. Finally brief mention is made of some points that might be considered as potential spin-offs, that is, the potential application of certain results to domains of research and development that are not strictly concerned with driver support. The chapter ends with some conclusions and recommendations concerning the GIDS Project as a whole. For the covering abstract see IRRD 859107.

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Library number
C 26175 (In: C 26163) /91 / IRRD 859119

In: Generic Intelligent Driver Support GIDS : a comprehensive report on GIDS, 1993, p. 229-239

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