Niet geregistreerde verkeersdoden : schatting van het aantal verkeersslachtoffers dat meer dan 30 dagen na het ongeval overlijdt ten gevolge van het opgelopen letsel.

Maas, M.W.

Road accident casualties in the Netherlands dying later than 30 days after the accident are not registered as road deaths. The SWOV has made a comparison of CBS data and data from hospitals, in order to estimate the number of "road deaths after 30 days". The result of this comparison is that the number of road accident casualties dying later than 30 days after the accident increases the official CBS number of road deaths by c.a. 3%.


Library number
B 15247 [electronic version only] / 81 / IRRD 242942

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1979, 20 p., graph., tab.; R-79-10

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.