Nopeusrajoituskokeilut suomen yleisilla teilla. (The speed limit experiments on public roads in Finland.)

Salusjärvi, M.

The speed limit experiments in finland continued from 1962 to 1978. In the 1960's temporary general speed limits were applied several times. During 1969-1973 experiments were carried out with recommended road-section speeds and after 1973 with compulsory speed-limits. The last mentioned experiment was extensive even by international standards. The investigations proved that the number of accidents decreased the more that speed limits managed to reduce speeds, which was a function of the relative level of the speed limit. Too high a speed limit could also raise the level of speeds and increase the number of accidents. This was the case for instance in adverse weather conditions on slippery road surfaces. Alternative goals for the speed limit system are presented and the decison-making concerning the speed limits reviewed.

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Library number
B 19582 /82 / IRRD 248149

Espoo, Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus VTT, 1980, 196 p., 67 ref.; Tie-ja Liikennelaboratorio Tiedonanto 55 - ISSN 0355-3523 / ISBN 951-38-0896-3

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