Nutzung der C2X-basierten ÖV-Priorisierung an signalisierten Knotenpunkten

[Applicability of V2X for transit signal priority]
Gay, M.; Grimm, J.; Otto, T.; Partzsch, I.; Gersdorf, D.; Gierisch, F.; Löwe, S.; Schütze, M.

This report delivers recommended actions towards the use of the C2X communication standards IEEE 802.11p for the public transport (PT) prioritisation at signalised junctions. The provided roadmap develops on the systems in status quo and points out ways for a gradual upgrade to the C2X-based PT prioritisation. Prioritisation of public traffic is state of the art since the 1980s for the improvement of the PT travel times and the support of ecomobility on basis of the increase of the attractiveness of public traffic. Signalised junctions are essential components of the main road network in cities. They affect the quality of traffic flow considerably and therefore they are of special importance for traffic control, which is occasionally influenced by municipal traffic policies as well. For quite some time the potentials of the C2X communication develop from theoretical research towards practical trials and therefore approximate market readiness. Cooperative intelligent traffic systems (C-ITS) were already implemented and tested successfully in several urban test fields. The philosophy of co-operation between the traffic light signal system – being part of the surrounding traffic infrastructure – and vehicles including their drivers consists in bilateral information exchange for the improvement of the quality of traffic flow and for the increase of road safety. Due to the high potentials expected, which can be opened by such a cross-linking, the Federal Republic of Germany has committed in its “National ITS Action Plan for the Roads” to the coordinated advancement of existing and the accelerated introduction of new intelligent traffic systems to Germany. Since the existing system of the PT prioritisation has established for decades, its transfer to a new C2X-based system is not easy. Restructuration on the frequency bands for analog radio provides a cause for changes on the existing system for many cities. The applicability of C2X communication enables on the one hand the modernisation of the data transmission technology and on the other hand an optimisation of the PT prioritisation and further synergies. Based on a survey on current PT prioritisation systems in Germany (chapter 1) and on first C2X trials (chapter 2) a framework concept for the migration of the conventional technology to a C2X based prioritisation is derived (chapter 3). This concept is based on the aspects of planning, implementation and operation of the PT prioritisation as well as the C2X messages and their content. The aspects of the local authorities – who provide the road infrastructure – and the public transport companies – as operators of public traffic – are specifically regarded. The C2X based prioritisation offers completely new possibilities for the optimisation of the traffic control. In chapter 4 the interdependences between different kinds of traffic as well as between the different C-ITS services are presented. As result of the document, in chapter 5 a pilot test concept as well as recommended actions for a targeted conversion towards a C2X infrastructure for PT prioritisation are discussed, including how those actions should be implemented by cities/municipalities as well as transport authorities. The gradual development of hard- and software components and the temporal component of the realisation are brought up for discussion. The exemplary pilot test concept considers the specific requirements of the cities and municipalities as well as the demands and requests of the transport authorities towards PT prioritisation. In a concluding outlook, the fast-moving nature of information technology is highlighted as a motivation to initiate the necessary developments in due time.

Report number
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe V: Verkehrstechnik
Library number
20220160 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 03.0553 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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