OECD Seminar on short-term and area-wide evaluation of safety measures, Amsterdam, April 19-21, 1982.

Oppe, S. & Wegman, F.C.M. (eds.)

The full texts of the papers presented at the OECD seminar on short term and area wide evaluation of safety measures are given. For the abstracts of the individual papers see B 20972 - B 21007 (IRRD 264968 to 265003). For the proceedings of the seminar, containing introduction, reports on sessions, conclusions and recommendations, together with summaries of the papers, see IRRD 275813.


Library number
B 20971 [electronic version only] /10 /72 /82 /83 /85 / IRRD 264967

Leidschendam, Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV, 1982, 272 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; R-82-7

SWOV publication

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