Onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van tijdelijke detectielussen op het wegdek d.m.v. lijmen, de zogenaamde plaklussen.


A study has been started to look in how far rubber tube detectors can be replaced by the installation of temporary induction loops, so called glue- loops, on the road surface. On the test location the application of these loops was rather easy and took not much time. The glueing was used on a dry and clean road surface. The advantage of these kind of loops that they are on and not in the road surface. Their application is not expensive, easy and traffic is not hindered.

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Library number
B 28598 /72 / IRRD 821533

's-Gravenhage, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Verkeerskunde DVK, Afdeling CXEI/VXO, 1988, 24 p. + app.; DVK nota 88-01

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