Ons welzijn en de luchtvervuiling; waarin opgenomen : Wet inzake de luchtverontreiniging. Verklaring betreffende de beginselen voor de beperking van de luchtverontreiniging.

Buurma, IJ.

The growth of industry, the growth of population and motorised traffic are all factors of the problem of air pollution. This brochure gives pollution of the air and historical review of the sources and the measures against it. The law on air pollution 1970 is included.

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Library number
A 7129

's-Gravenhage, ANWB, 1971, 88 p., ref.; ANWB recreatie-brochure No. 11, 1971.

Our collection

This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.