Openbare verlichting en ongevallenkans. Voordracht NSVV-Congresdag "Openbare Verlichting - Economie en Veiligheid", RAI-Congrescentrum, Amsterdam, 23 april 1982.

Schreuder, D.A.

The efficiecy of public lighting as an accident couter-measure is usually assessed by means of before and afteraooidont gtudida. Que nay oonoludo ttia 9-npd ubliElibhting results in a reduction o 25 ,v -35 nf thenzgit-timp njurf accidenvs. it is :ot feasiblg toJ,assess the efficiency of Iightingt nor the minimumlevel for it to the effective in this way.


Library number
B 21292 [electronic version only] /82 /85 / IRRD 265961

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 19 p.+ app., graph., tab., ref.; R-82-26 / Artikel in Elektrotechniek, Vol. 60 (1982), No. 9, p. 443-448.

SWOV publication

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