Optimierung der Praktischen Fahrerlaubnisprüfung. [Optimisation of the practical driving test.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt FE 82.0345/2008 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Sturzbecher, D. Mörl, S. & Kaltenbaek, J.

Within the overall system of novice driver preparation, the practical driving test plays an especially important role for the objective of improved driving safety: On the one hand, the test contents, assessment criteria and test results provide important orientation for the organisation of driving school training and the individual learning processes of the novice drivers (control function); on the other hand, the practical test serves to ensure that only novice drivers with adequate driving competence are entitled to participate in motorised road traffic (selection function). The aim of the present project is to elaborate a scientifically founded model for a future, optimised practical driving test, together with a contextual and methodical (implementation) concept for its continuous maintenance, quality assurance and further development. In addition, the institutional structures of the test system, test methods and test procedures - including the necessary demand, assessment, documentation and evaluation standards - are to be described in a "System Manual on Driver Licensing (Practical Test)". As a first step, selected psychology-based driving competence models and the contents of training and test documents are to be analysed. The results of this analysis will then serve as the starting point for a discussion of possibilities to model and measure driving competence, and for the outlining of a driving competence model for the theoretical determination of appropriate test content. Subsequently, demand standards for an optimised practical driving test can be derived by applying action theory principles to the demands of motor vehicle handling, and thereby defined as minimum personal standards for driving test candidates. This elaboration is to take into account not only latest knowledge from the fields of traffic and test psychology, but also relevant stipulations in licensing regulations, international trends in the further development of test standards, and novice-specific accident causes and competence deficits. A further outcome of the project - alongside theoretical-methodical foundations for optimisation of the practical driving test and for the draft of a system manual - is to be a "catalogue of driving tasks (category B)", in which the demand standards for the practical driving test are described in the form of situation-related driving tasks and situation-independent observation categories, as a means to specify the criteria for event-oriented performance assessment and overall competence evaluation. At the same time, criteria for the examiner's test decision are to be defined. This optimisation work will contribute, finally, to further development of the adaptive control strategy for the practical driving test. To enable implementation of the further developed demand, assessment and documentation standards of an optimised practical driving test, a contextual and methodical concept for an electronic test report is to be presented, together with an ergonomically founded design proposal for both hardware and software. The computer-assisted documentation of test performance is intended to support the driving test examiner in planning of the course of a driving test and assessment of the candidate's driving behaviour. Furthermore, optimisation of the performance feedback to candidates and improved possibilities for scientific evaluation of the optimised practical driving test are expected. With regard to test evaluation, a fundamental model is to be described, which - alongside monitoring of the psychometric quality criteria within the framework of an instrumental evaluation - incorporates an evaluation of test results, product audits and the responses to candidate and driving instructor surveys. Finally, the possible influence of driver assistance and accident avoidance systems on the realisation of a driving test and on the assessment of test performance is to be discussed. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20140531 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2014, 219 p. + app., 292 ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Mensch und Sicherheit ; Heft M 243 - ISSN 0943-9315 / ISBN 978-3-95606-067-0

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