Ouder worden en de verkeersveiligheid.

Welleman, A. G. & Wouters, P. I. J.

Problems for old people in traffic are outlined by an integrated approach. A number of possibilities for solutions are considered by which the safety for elderly persons can be improved. There should not be choosen for some single measures, but for measures which are attuned to each other and to the specific problems.

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Library number
B 31715 (In: B 31749) /83. 2 / IRRD 842651

In: Gezond zijn is ouder worden. Bijdrage aan het Jubileumcongres "Gezond zijn is ouder worden" ter gelegenheid van het 40- jarig bestaan van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Gerontologie, gehouden te Amsterdam 21 en 22 mei 1987, p. 269- 277, 8 ref.

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