An outcome evaluation of the New South Wales Sober Driver Programme : a remedial programme for recidivist drink drivers.

Mills, K.L. Hodge, W. Johansson, K. & Conigrave, K.M.

Recidivist drink drivers pose a considerable threat to public safety. The present study evaluates the effectiveness of a remedial programme for recidivist drink drivers, the New South Wales Sober Driver Programme (SDP). SDP combines educational components and elements of group cognitive behavioural therapy in relation to drink driving behaviour. It is delivered in conjunction with punitive sanctions. The evaluation design included a comparison of recidivism rates over 2 years for SDP participants and a community control group of convicted drink drivers who received legal sanctions alone. Quantitative and qualitative surveys of SDP participants were also conducted before, immediately after and 4 months after the programme. Outcome measures included recidivism, change in participant knowledge and attitudes, self-reported behavioural intentions and skill development. SDP participants were 43% less likely to re-offend over 2 years compared with community controls who had received sanctions alone. Survey respondents demonstrated improved knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding drink driving. SDP appears to be an effective intervention, demonstrating greater reductions in recidivism when compared with legal sanctions alone. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20081118 ST [electronic version only]

Drug and Alcohol Review, Vol. 27 (2008), No. 1 (January), p. 65-74, 38 ref.

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