Parking management and traffic mitigation in six cities : implications for local policy.

Higgins, T.J.

Local jurisdictions are using parking management and traffic mitigation policies to discourage solo driving and encourage transit, ridesharing, cycling, and other alternatives to solo driving. This paper focuses on selected policies in six cities, including parking code requirements, encouragements for fringe or peripheral parking, preferential parking for carpoolers, and requirements on new office developments (e.g., through developer agreements) for owner-sponsored traffic mitigations. Included in the review is a synopsis of literature on peripheral parking as several of the cities surveyed are planning or implementing this strategy. The review examines the status of current parking management and traffic mitigation policies and issues of implementation and effectiveness; then it draws policy implications for localities.

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Library number
C 22179 (In: C 22172 S) /73 / IRRD 834562

In: Urban traffic systems and operations : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1232, p. 60-67, 7 ref.

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