Passenger travel facts and figures 2016.

Moore, W.H. (Ed.)

Passenger Travel Facts and Figures is a snapshot of the characteristics and trends of personal travel in the United States; the network over which passenger travel takes place; and the related economic, safety, and environmental aspects of passenger travel. An electronic version of this publication is available at Chapter 1 summarizes the basic demographic and economic characteristics of the United States that contribute to the demand for passenger travel. Chapter 2 examines travel patterns by household characteristics, trip purpose, and transportation mode. Chapter 3 provides information on the passenger transportation system and its performance. Chapter 4 discusses the economic characteristics of passenger travel and tourism. Chapter 5 describes the safety, energy, and environmental impacts of passenger travel. The data used throughout this document re?ect the latest numbers available at the time of publication. Several of the tables, fgures, and analysis included in this report are based on results from national surveys that provide details on travel patterns and characteristics of travelers. An overview of these surveys–the National Household Travel Survey, American Community Survey, and American Time Use Survey–is found in box 2-A. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20160822 ST [electronic version only] /10 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics BTS, 2016, V + 94 p., ref.

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