Pedestrian facilities : geometric design for safety and mobility.

Schoon, J.

Pedestrian Facilities provides detailed guidance on the design of pedestrian facilities to encourage the safety, comfort and convenience of pedestrians and other road users. The emphasis throughout is on numerical, functional aspects of designing footways, crossings along roads and junctions, roundabouts, and other spaces where pedestrian and vehicular traffic interact. Drawing together a broad range of topics presented across numerous reports and documents, the book also covers design principles which can foster improvements to this guidance and will also provide assistance where unique design solutions are needed. This second edition includes: * updated governmental guidance on pedestrian facilities design; * evolution of design for shared space and ‘sojourning’; * developments in simulation and multi-modal level-of-service quantification; * joint pedestrian and bicycle traffic; * implications of the Equality Act. Pedestrian Facilities is intended for use by practitioners and students engaged in civil engineering design for highways and public spaces. It brings together guidance that will also assist urban planners, architects and the broad range of people involved with pedestrian facilities within the public realm. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20190438 ST

London, Ice Publishing, 2019, XXI + 249 p., ref.; 2nd edition - ISBN 978-0-7277-6309-9

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.