Pedestrian facilities users guide : providing safety and mobility.

Zegeer, C.V. Seiderman, C. Lagerwey, P. Cynecki, M. Ronkin, M. & Schneider, R.

The purpose of the 'Pedestrian facilities users guide : providing safety and mobility' is to provide useful information on how to identify the safety and mobility needs of pedestrians within roadway rights-of-way. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the creation of a walkable environment. Chapter 2 describes basic pedestrian crash trends and the examination and classification of crash types to determine appropriate countermeasures. Chapter 3 defines 13 pedestrian crash-type groupings and factors important in selecting the best countermeasures. These crash groupings are then presented in terms of how to select pedestrian safety improvements to address specific crash problems. Chapter 4 contains the details of 47 different engineering improvements for pedestrians. These improvements relate to the walking environment, roadway design, intersection treatments, traffic calming, traffic management, and signals and signs. Chapter 4 also provides a simplified list of improvements to address certain broad objectives (e.g., reducing speeds on a street, reducing pedestrian exposure) without the need for pedestrian crash data. This guide is indented primarily for engineers, planners, safety professionals, and decisionmakers, but it may also be used by citizens for identifying pedestrian tools to improve the safety and mobility of those who walk. (A)

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Library number
C 36043 [electronic version only]

McLean, VA, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Research and Development RD, 2002, IV + 158 p., 8 ref.; FHWA-RD-01-102

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