The perceived causes of severe traffic accidents : a psychosocial approach. Paper presented at PSIWORLD 2011, The International Conference 'Psychology and the Realities of the Contemporary Worlds', Bucharest, 27-30 October 2011.

Havârneanu, G.M.

The author examined the lay people's social representation of 23 possible causes of severe traffic accidents. 160 Romanian students filled in a questionnaire which assessed the relevance of each cause for a fatal accident. A factor analysis was used to develop a pattern of consensual causes that are involved. The results suggest four central causes which reflect an absolute consensus among participants. People focus on general explanations provided by mass-media and less on specific traffic violations. The social representation of the accident is limited in terms of causation scenarios and is influenced by the way the mass-media decides to present the news. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20120767 ST [electronic version only]

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 33 (2012), "PSIWORLD 2011", p. 428-432, 14 ref.

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