Pilot-snelheidsmetingen binnen de bebouwde kom : indicatieve metingen in drie grote steden, uitgevoerd op vier typen verkeersaders.

Catshoek, J.W.D. Varkevisser, G.A. & Braimaister, L.G.

This report gives an account of indicative radar speed measurements. These were conducted in the Dutch cities of Eindhoven, Apeldoorn, and Haarlem, in October 1994. The goal of the relatively small experimental measurements was: (1) to sample both the gathering of information and the processing of road and traffic data from the municipal road network; and (2) to present the indicative speed figures for both passenger cars and for trucks. The pilot speed measurements were performed on the following four arterial road types: (i) 70 km/h speed limit roads, consisting of 2x2 lanes, closed for cycles and mopeds; (ii) 50 km/h speed limit roads, consisting of 2x2 lanes, closed for cycles and mopeds; (iii) 50 km/h speed limit roads, consisting of 1x2 lanes, closed for cycles and mopeds; and (iv) 50 km/h speed limit roads, consisting of 1x2 lanes, open for all kinds of traffic. The results of radar measurements on these road categories are included. On all road categories the speed limit is exceeded by percentages between 35 and 70%. It is concluded that a considerable speed violation problem presents itself inside built-up areas.


Library number
C 3514 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 873021

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 111 p., 5 ref.; R-94-71

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