Planner's Street Smart (PSS) In Malaysia.

Anuar, S. & Bachok, S.

This paper focuses on the idea of creating programmes for developing safe-walking routes to school especially for primary schoolchildren. In the process of the research, inputs were gathered from students, parents, teachers, and the police to determine the preferred walking routes to school. Inputs from these parties are also beneficial in identifying hazards and obstacles along the routes. Following the determination of routes and identification of hazards and obstacles, local authorities, working collaboratively with affected parties and technical departments and agencies, can seek solutions to ensure safety along those routes. Solutions can be of short-, medium-, and long-terms. Proposed solutions might include extending the duration of pedestrian crossing signals, improving signage, improving visibility along routes, and traffic calming. A 10-step process in developing safe walking routes to school will be laid-out in this paper. The proposed process is synthesised from successfully implemented project abroad. For the covering abstract see ITRD E135448.

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Library number
C 42824 (In: C 42760 CD-ROM) /72 /82 /83 / ITRD E135550

In: CD-DURBAN : proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Durban, South Africa, 19 to 25 October 2003, Individual Papers Strategic Theme 3. 2004. 7p (7 Refs.)

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